Thursday, March 12, 2009

One In, One Out and Two Goldstars!!!!

So we've lost a team member...but for such a good reason!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO excited that Carrie is pregnant. Gosh I can HARDLY wait to be a "real" aunt!!!! I am so very very very fortunate to have a gaggle of wonderfully magical "littles" in my life (the little cousins children - and a few very close friends that have children) and to most of these kids I'm Cousin Kate or Aunt Kate. Every time I hear that it warms my heart...but, wow it's 10-fold to know that I'm going to have a niece or nephew. I'm blown away by how much I already love this new little!!! It's crazy...for those of you that are moms (or my sister) I'm sure you're thinking to yourself "oh just wait until it's your actual child"....I can't even imagine.

So it is with joy, excitement and gushing love that I say goodbye to Carrie as a walker - she's still going to try and be there with us for the walk...cheering not walking.

And with additional joy and excitement I welcome my Mom, Sally MacAllister to our team!!!! This rockstar of a 59 (on March 19th) year old is in for her second round of 60 miles. With her she will also be bringing 6 or 7 of her lovely friends. We are going to have a great full team this year!!!!

One of the things I love about this walk is that is brings all backgrounds and ages together. 59 is nothing when you're with 4,500 new friends!!!!

Speaking of rockstars....Jill and Sarah you absolutely get the GOLD STARS for fundraising!!! I'm so impressed and so proud!!!!! Wow wow wow!!! I hope that you have been pleasantly surprised by people's generosity to this cause. Keep truly are making a difference in your community and our world!

I've got LOTS of energy and happiness running through my body today so you'll have to excuse me for all of the exclamation points and gushiness...but I warned you ahead of time - I like the rah rah (and the patriotism...that's for you Carrie ;)

Make a difference and make it last!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait!!! This is going to be great. I'm glad the Carrie news is all out, so we can celebrate louder and louder. Love it! I was thinking about you all today as I got a side ache from from 300 yard walk from my classroom to my office. No worries, i just hold the tummy up in my arms when i train ... or try to train. I am so excited for July to really get walking ... double stroller in toe, of course. Love you!!
